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Dandelion Pesto Twists with Baked Camembert

BY Alison Wiebe

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Foraged dandelion leaf pesto is baked into buttery puff pastry twists and dipped into gooey melted Camembert in this easy, crowd-pleasing spring appetizer!

The dandelions have started to come in and will hopefully be bringing warmer weather with them. This time of year, I always look forward to foraging young dandelion leaves to turn into pesto – and fortunately there’s usually plenty to gather. After making all that delicious pesto, it’s time to find a way to use it. With just a handful of ingredients, this pesto puff pastry twist dipped into gooey melted camembert cheese is an easy and satisfying appetizer. Wow your guests with this delicious and simple starter!

Ingredients List:

Dandelion pesto: While most people look at dandelions as a common weed, they are in fact a nutritional powerhouse. The leaves in particular are packed with antioxidants and beneficial vitamins and minerals. Gather dandelion leaves from any area that isn’t next to a busy road and that hasn’t been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals. If you don’t have access to fresh dandelion leaves, fear not, this recipe works perfectly with any kind of pesto you prefer. Get the recipe for my dandelion pesto here.

Puff pastry: Keep this appetizer simple and use pre-made, frozen puff pastry. If possible, buy frozen puff pastry that is already rolled into sheets. Puff pastry is sometimes sold in blocks, but I find that they don’t roll out as evenly, especially around the edges. The preformed puff pastry sheets are all ready to go and easy to us.

When using puff pastry, it is important to keep the pastry cold. Those hundreds of flaky layers are created by repeatedly folding the dough to create ultra-thin layers of fat in the dough. If the dough becomes too warm, then the fat layers could soften and squish together and, well, your puff pastry won’t puff! So be sure to thaw the pastry in the fridge rather than on the counter.

Camembert cheese: Similar in look and taste to brie cheese but with a slightly lower fat content, camembert cheese comes from the Normandy region of France. Baked until melted inside, camembert is perfect for dipping these pesto twists. Brie cheese makes an excellent substitute if you prefer.

How to make Dandelion Pesto Twists with Baked Camembert

Prep the puff pastry

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Unroll one sheet of puff pastry. Lightly dust with flour if necessary, so that it doesn’t stick to the counter. Lightly roll the pastry to make it about inch larger in diameter – it doesn’t need to be rolled out too much, you don’t want it to become too thin.

Cut a circle from the sheet. I use the lid of a large pot that just fits the pastry sheet as a guide. Cut around the circle. Transfer the pastry circle to the parchment lined baking sheet and set aside. Repeat with the second puff pastry sheet but leave it on the counter.

Shape the pesto twists

Spread an even layer of pesto across the pastry circle on the pan leaving a small border around the edge. Place the second circle on top to cover the pesto. Mark out a circle in the middle the same size as the camembert, using a large glass or circle cutter to make an indent on the top of the pastry.

Use kitchen shears to cut strips into the pastry stopping when you reach the marked centre. Make sixteen strips, cutting it first into quarters and then cutting each quarter into 4 strips.

To shape the twist, pick up each strip and gently twist it two times. Place the twist down and adjust the edge so that it lies flat. Repeat with all the strips. Brush the top of the pastry, including the middle and the exposed pastry on each twist, with the egg wash.

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Bake the pesto twists

Bake the pesto puff pastry twists for 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown. Cut a crosshatch pattern through the rind on top of the camembert. Place the camembert in a small baking dish or on a baking sheet. Place in the oven about 15 minutes after the pastry went in. Bake until the cheese is melted and gooey.

Serve the Dandelion Pesto Twists with Baked Camembert

When the twists are gold brown, remove from the oven and slide onto the counter to let cool briefly. Use a cutter or paring knife to cut out the marked circle in the middle of the pastry. This might cause the twist to separate, just arrange them back into a ring on the serving platter.

Slide the twists onto a serving platter. Place the baked camembert in the middle of the twists. The middle piece can be cut up and serve as well. Enjoy!

Dandelion Pesto Twists with Baked Camembert

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Sevings 4 servings


  • 2 sheets puff pastry, thawed
  • ¼ cup Dandelion Pesto, *see note
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 125 g whole Camembert cheese


  • Preheat the oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Unroll one sheet of puff pastry. Lightly dust with flour and roll the pastry to make it an inch larger in diameter.
  • Cut a large circle out of the puff pastry. I use a large lid that just fits the pastry sheet as a guide. Transfer the pastry circle to the baking sheet. Repeat with the second sheet of puff pastry.
  • Spread an even layer of pesto across the pastry circle on the pan leaving a small border around the edge. Place the second circle on top to cover the pesto. Mark out a circle in the middle the same size as the camembert, using a large glass or circle cutter to make an indent on the top of the pastry. 
  • Use kitchen shears to cut strips into the pastry stopping when you reach the marked centre. Make sixteen strips, cutting it first into quarters and then cutting each quarter into 4 strips.
  • To shape the twists, pick up each strip and gently twist it two times. Place the twist down and adjust the edge so that it lies flat. Repeat with all the strips. Brush the top of the pastry, including the middle and the exposed pastry on each twist, with the egg wash.
  • Bake the pesto puff pastry twists for 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown. Cut a crosshatch pattern through the rind on top of the camembert. Place the camembert in a small baking dish or on a baking sheet. Place in the oven about 15 mintues after the pastry went in. Bake until the cheese is melted.
  • When the twists are golden brown, remove from the oven and slide onto the counter. Use a circle cutter or paring knife to cut out the marked circle in the middle of the pastry. This might cause the twists to separate but you can arrange them back in a circle on the serving platter.
  • Slide the twists onto a serving platter. Place the baked camembert in the middle of the twists. The middle piece can be cut up and served as well. Enjoy!


*See Ingredient notes for my Dandelion Pesto recipe. Alternatively, substitute with any kind of pesto you prefer.

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