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Freyja’s Mead Sabayon with Strawberries and Hazelnut Meringue

BY Alison Wiebe

MVI 8583

Crisp hazelnut meringues and fresh, ripe strawberries are topped with a luxurious sabayon infused with the golden essence of honeyed mead in this dessert honouring the Norse goddess Freyja.

mead sabayon, hazelnut meringue

An Ancient Norse Mythology Feast

Embark on an epic culinary adventure as we prepare a decadent feast inspired by Vanaheim, one of the Nine Realms of Ancient Norse mythology, and the gods that inhabit it. Travelling up the winding branches of Yggdrasil, the mighty world tree, we arrive at the mystical realm of Vanaheim.

This resplendent realm of lush and bountiful fields, shining lakes, and verdant forests is home to the Vanir, ancient gods of nature and fertility. In the spirit of community and kinship, we set out to honour the Vanir deities by preparing a lavish feast. With each dish, we celebrate the deep connections between food, culture, and the natural world.

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Freyja, Goddess of Love and War

With a beauty that surpasses all others, Freyja, sister of Frey, is the crown jewel of Vanaheim. Her enchanting allure, passion, and grace captivate the hearts of gods and mortals alike. But beneath her ethereal beauty lies the spirit of a warrior. Unyielding in her resolve and formidable in battle, Freyja offers solace and honour to those who perish in combat. With her ineffable charm, she embodies the delicate dance between love and war.

A sweet mead infused custard, whipped to perfection, is the ideal culinary offering for the enchanting goddess of love. The luscious sabayon, paired with sweet strawberries and toasted, nutty hazelnut meringues, is a perfectly balanced blend of flavours and textures. As you savour each bite of this divine dessert, allow yourself to journey to the ethereal and magical realm of Vanaheim and into the presence of this captivating deity.

meringue with strawberries and cream, sabayon sauce


Mead: Mead has a mild honey flavour and there are sweet and dry varieties. For this recipe I suggest using a plain sweet mead. I am fortunate to have a wonderful meadery nearby – Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm and Meadery. The Merry Mead at Campbell’s Gold is perfect in this dessert.

Eggs: This recipe makes use of both the egg whites and yolks so there is no waste.

Hazelnuts: Lightly toasting the hazelnuts adds incredible depth of flavour to the sweet, crunchy meringues. The skins can be removed after toasting the hazelnuts. Bake the hazelnuts at 350°F for 8-12 minutes until they smell toasted. You can check if the nuts are toasted by cutting one in half; the inside of the nut should be well browned. To peel the hazelnuts, wrap the warm nuts in a tea towel and rub them together. The friction will remove most of the skin. This can damage or discolour the tea towel so chose one that you don’t mind getting a bit dirty.

How to make Freyja’s Mead Sabayon with Strawberries and Hazelnut Meringue

Make the meringue

Preheat the oven to 225°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. Add the egg whites to the bowl of a stand mixer. Whip the egg whites on high speed with a whip attachment. When the egg whites begin to stiffen and create soft peaks, add the salt and begin to slowly add the sugar. Add the sugar in several small increments.

Once the sugar is fully incorporated, continue beating the egg whites until it has dissolved completely. You can tell if the sugar is dissolved by rubbing a little meringue between two fingers – it should feel completely smooth with no grains of sugar in it. If you still feel the sugar, continue to beat the meringue. This will take about 6 to 8 minutes.

Roughly chop the toasted hazelnuts. Once the meringue is fully whipped, fold in the hazelnuts. Spoon heaped tablespoons of the meringue onto the prepared baking sheets, leaving a little space between them.

Bake the meringues for 2 hours. When done, turn the oven off. Use a ball of aluminum foil to prop the oven door open and leave the meringues in the oven for another hour. Remove and allow to cool completely.

hazelnut meringue, meringue with hazelnuts

Make the mead sabayon

Make the mead sabayon right before you intend to serve the dish. Place a saucepan with an inch of water over medium heat. Bring the water to a boil and then lower the heat so the water is barely simmering.

In a mixing bowl, combine the egg yolks, sugar, and mead. Whisk until blended. Place the bowl over the simmering water. Whisk the mixture constantly until it is thick, pale yellow, and has tripled in volume. The sabayon should leave a ribbon trail when you lift the whisk. This will take about 8 to 10 minutes.

Serve Freyja’s Mead Sabayon with Strawberries and Hazelnut Meringue

To serve, slice the strawberries into halves or quarters. Arrange a pile of strawberries in the middle of each plate. Break one or two meringues over each plate and crumble them on and around the berries. Spoon the warm sabayon over the berries and meringue. Serve immediately and enjoy!

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Freyja’s Mead Sabayon with Strawberries and Hazelnut Meringues

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Sevings 4 servings


Hazelnut Meringues

  • 1 cup toasted hazelnuts, *see note
  • 4 egg whites
  • pinch kosher salt
  • 1 cup sugar

Mead Sabayon

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  • ¼ cup mead

To serve

  • 1 lb strawberries


Hazelnut Meringues

  • Preheat the oven to 225°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. Add the egg whites to the bowl of a stand mixer. Whip the egg whites on high speed with a whip attachment. When the egg whites begin to stiffen and create soft peaks, add the salt and begin to slowly add the sugar. Add the sugar in several small increments.
  • Once the sugar is fully incorporated, continue beating the egg whites until it has dissolved completely. You can tell if the sugar is dissolved by rubbing a little meringue between two fingers – it should feel completely smooth with no grains of sugar in it. If you still feel the sugar, continue to beat the meringue. This will take about 6 to 8 minutes.
  • Roughly chop the toasted hazelnuts. Once the meringue is fully whipped, fold in the hazelnuts. Spoon heaped tablespoons of the meringue onto the prepared baking sheets, leaving a little space between them.
  • Bake the meringues for 2 hours. When done, turn the oven off. Use a ball of aluminum foil to prop the oven door open and leave the meringues in the oven for another hour. Remove and allow to cool completely.

Mead Sabayon

  • Make the mead sabayon shortly before you intend to serve the dish. Place a saucepan with an inch of water over medium heat. Bring the water to a boil and then lower the heat so the water is barely simmering.
  • In a mixing bowl, combine the egg yolks, sugar, and mead. Whisk until blended. Place the bowl over the simmering water. Whisk the mixture constantly until it is thick, pale yellow, and has tripled in volume. The sabayon should leave a ribbon trail when you lift the whisk. This will take about 8 to 10 minutes.

To serve

  • To serve, slice the strawberries into halves or quarters. Arrange a pile of strawberries in the middle of each plate. Break one or two meringues over each plate and crumble them on and around the berries. Spoon the warm sabayon over the berries and meringue. Serve immediately and enjoy!


*See the post above for instructions on how to toast hazelnuts
**This recipe will make more meringues than you need. They are delicious on their own or can be crumbled and folded into whipped cream and berries for another simple dessert.

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