Raise a glass of this honeyed akvavit mead cocktail in honour of the Norse God, Odin!

An Ancient Norse Mythology Feast
Embark on an epic culinary adventure as we prepare a decadent feast inspired by Asgard, one of the Nine Realms of Ancient Norse mythology, and the gods that inhabit it. Travelling up the winding branches of Yggdrasil, the mighty world tree, we arrive at the mystical realm of Asgard.
Our culinary journey takes us to the celestial realm of Asgard, home to the mighty sky gods, the Aesir. In the spirit of community and kinship, we set out to honour the Aesir deities by preparing offerings in their names. Our feast includes offerings for the mighty Thor and honours the delights of Idunn’s sacred gardens. Together, let us raise a horn with the fallen warriors in Odin’s hall!
Odin, the All-Father, and the Mead of Poetry
Odin, the All-Father, is the undisputed chief of the Aesir. Noted for his one eye, which he sacrificed to drink from the Well of Wisdom, Odin is a complex god associated with war, frenzy, and magic. He is wed to the great mother goddess, Frigga. Always in search of wisdom, Odin embarked on a mission to steal the fated Mead of Poetry which was said to imbue anyone who drank it with immense knowledge. It was through his use of cunning, that Odin was successful in stealing the Mead of Poetry.
"He lay with her three nights, and she allowed him three drinks of mead. With his first drink he emptied Odrerir. With the second he drained Bodn, His third emptied Son, and now he possessed all the mead. Then, changing himself into the shape of an eagle, he flew away as fast as he could."
-Skaldskaparmal, The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson
While this mead inspired cocktail may not give you the knowledge of bards and scholars, it is certain to delight your tastebuds. Blended with the Scandinavian spirit akvavit, this aromatic cocktail is infused with botanical aromas. Hints of caraway and fennel compliment the sweet honey flavour of both the mead and honey syrup. Raise a glass, or horn, of this aromatic akvavit mead cocktail in honour of the All-Father.

Akvavit: Akvavit is a clear Scandinavian spirit, typically distilled from either potatoes or grain. It is usually flavoured with dill and caraway although the types of botanicals can vary between brands. For this recipe, I used a Canadian-produced akvavit by Long Table. This local akvavit is flavoured with fennel, anise, caraway and seville orange. Another great option is the Danish akvavit – Bornholmer.
Mead: Mead has a mild honey flavour and there are sweet and dry varieties. For this recipe I suggest using a plain sweet mead. I used a local mead, Merry Mead, from Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm.
Honey: Adding straight honey to a cocktail can be difficult, it doesn’t dissolve easily into the cold liquid. However, a honey simple syrup will mix into the cocktail easily.
Lemon juice: A splash of lemon juice adds a balancing acidity.

How to Make Akvavit Mead Cocktail
Make the honey simple syrup
In a saucepan combine the water and honey. Place over high heat and bring to a simmer. Stir occasionally to completely dissolve the honey. Let the syrup cool before using. The syrup will keep for 2 to 3 weeks in the fridge.
Make the Akvavit Mead Cocktail
In a cocktail shaker add the akvavit, mead, honey simple syrup, and lemon juice. Add ice, then cover and shake for 10 to 15 seconds. Strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with fresh flowers and enjoy!